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I am an Associate Professor (UD1) in the Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam, where I am a board member with the Amsterdam Research Centre for Gender and Sexuality (ARC-GS) and a faculty affiliate with the Amsterdam Centre for Conflict Studies (ACCS). 


I research contemporary political violence, specifically focused on the gender dynamics of armed organizations and civil wars. My work explores the causes and effects of women's participation in armed groups, gender-based targeting during conflict, and non-state armed group messaging and narrative-building around political violence. I am presently researching and writing a writing a book about the history of republican media and publicity, including the role of women and gendered narratives, in the North of Ireland.


​I am co-Principal Investigator for the Women's Activities in Armed Rebellion (WAAR) Project, a multi-methods research project comprising a qualitative handbook and cross-national dataset documenting women’s participation over 370 rebel organisations operating between 1946-2015. 

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